Michael Phelps used the Lunocet Monofin to race a Great White Shark for Shark Week!

Discovery Channel's 2017 Shark Week featured Michael Phelps attempting to race / out-swim a Great White shark. The shark had an anatomical advantage and Michael Phelps needed a fin to stand a chance!
Michael Phelps opted to use the most advanced monofin in the world. His fin of choice was the Lunocet Pro monofin to give him the best chances of being able to increase his speed!
"For 20 yrs of me spending time in the sport of swimming and training, THIS is going to make me the fastest? Just putting on this fin is going to make me the fastest. I should have just done this all along! What the hell was I thinking!?" --Michael Phelps

Check out the
Lunocet Pro - the SAME exact fin that Michael Phelps wore to shatter his World Record time.
Lunocet Monofin that Michael Phelps wore was 100% stock / unmodified and is the same one that is available to the public.

Michael in Times Square before the race aired with quite the prop sitting next to him on a pedestal!
Check out more of the press coverage and media around this amazing production in this collection of articles and videos